Regular Fitness Training: 7 invisible benefits for body and mind
What goal do you have in mind when you sweat in the gym?
A slimmer waist, firmer legs, toned arms?
Of course, each of us has an ideal image of our own body that we try to work towards with regular training. But when we exercise regularly, much more happens in our bodies than just fat loss and muscle building.
It is precisely the invisible benefits of fitness training - physical and mental - that help us to stay consistent. Because long before we get closer to our visible fitness goals, we can already feel the invisible effects.
So let's take a closer look at 7 of the less obvious but clearly noticeable benefits of your training:
#1 Stress reduction and mood booster
Regular exercise is the key to a more relaxed mind and a better mood.
Studies show that physical activity promotes the release of endorphins, which reduces stress and increases happiness. Surely you know the "magical" effect your workout has after a stressful or frustrating day.
No matter how stressed you start the workout, after the last repetitions you feel pure happiness and satisfaction.
So, next time you're feeling stressed or in a bad mood, you know the best antidote!
#2 Increased energy levels and improved sleep
It may sound paradoxical, but regular exercise can actually increase your energy levels. During training, it may be exhausting and you may feel like you're completely 'working yourself out'. But in reality, it helps to increase your overall stamina and energy in everyday life.
At the same time, exercising can also help you fall asleep faster and improve the quality of your sleep. With a deeper and more restful sleep, you can rock your day (and your next workout) with new energy.
#3 Boost for your immune system
Fitness training not only strengthens your muscles, but also your immune system!
Physical activity improves your immune system in the long term. Regular exercise means you have more immune cells in your white blood cells, which protect you against inflammation and pathogens.
However, make sure that you continue to support your immune system after training as well: This means getting out of your sweaty clothes and into the shower to avoid that your body cools down and becomes more susceptible to infections.
#4 Improved digestion and goodbye bloating
Another hidden treasure of exercise is its ability to improve your digestion and reduce bloating.
The movement stimulates your metabolism and increases fat burning. Regular exercise also strengthens your abdominal muscles and improves your digestion, making you feel less bloated. Of course, it also depends on what you eat.
In addition to exercising, make sure you eat a balanced, healthy diet to counteract your bloated belly from the inside out.
#5 Self-confidence and self-love
Fitness has an amazing ability to boost your confidence and help you love your body, regardless of the visible changes.
For one, regular workouts will help you develop a more upright posture, which will make you feel happier and more confident.
You will also increase your feeling for your own body and learn to accept and love it, even if you have not yet reached your visual fitness goals.
And last but not least, your small and large successes in the gym will also help you to develop more self-confidence in everyday challenges.
You feel strong, healthy and powerful and you radiate this.
#6 Improved cognitive abilities
Physical activity stimulates the brain and leads to an improvement in your cognitive abilities in the long term.
Regular exercise improves blood circulation in your brain, which leads to a better supply of oxygen and nutrients. This contributes to the formation of new nerve cells and connections, which has a positive effect on your memory, concentration and learning ability.
Both endurance and strength training have been shown to have positive effects on cognitive function.
#7 Power against PMS und menstrual cramps
And last but not least, exercise can help us women against menstrual cramps and PMS.
Acutely, this means that physical activity releases endorphins, which act as natural painkillers and can improve mood at the same time. Exercise also promotes blood circulation, which can reduce the intensity of menstrual cramps. Furthermore, regular exercise can regulate hormone levels, which in turn helps to alleviate PMS symptoms.
Studies have shown that women who exercise regularly experience an improvement in their menstrual cramps. Of course, the type, scope and intensity of the workout should be adapted to your respective daily form.
When it comes to your menstruation, it's not about breaking your personal records, but about doing your body good with exercise and helping to alleviate your symptoms.
Cheers to the invisible fitness benefits
As you can see, there's a lot going on in our bodies when we challenge them with regular exercise. And that was just a small insight into what goes on "behind the scenes".
So instead of getting frustrated about your flabby arms or your little belly rolls, remember how much your training improves your quality of life in the first place.
By focusing mainly on the visible changes (which are often a long time coming) we sometimes forget how valuable the internal changes are that we can feel after just a short time.
Use your newfound inner strength as an incentive to work towards your visual goals way more relaxed in the future .
And if I can support you with these first steps of your personal fitness journey, then feel free to take a look at the training options on my website.